Island Camping
Island Camping Program
The Lake Clear Conservancy (LCC) administers camping activities on three (3) specific Crown islands under the auspices of a land-use permit granted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and held by Bonnechere Valley Township. While most campers are responsible, there is a need for some oversight to prevent degradation of the islands. The goal of this camping management program is to ensure that wilderness camping activities on Lake Clear are conducted in an orderly and environmentally respectful manner. It is very important that these islands, which are such an integral part of the lake’s natural heritage landscape, can continue to be enjoyed by all.
There are 7 campsites in the camping program, each of which features a tent platform, privy, and firepit; provided and maintained by volunteers. Camping is permitted only on the 7 designated campsites; camping on any other island is prohibited.
The camping reservation system opens on May 1st each year for the coming camping season. ALL dates – from the May long weekend through to Thanksgiving – will be made available at that time. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis for up to one week at a time. If you have any questions, or you book and can no longer use the site, please let us know at as far in advance as possible so someone else can use the site.
Campers should be aware that camping on Crown land is considered “wilderness camping”; i.e. few amenities are provided, and campsite users must bring their own firewood and remove ALL refuse.
As of January 1st, 2022, it is illegal in Ontario to place a boat (kayak, canoe, Seadoo) or any vehicle or trailer into any body of water if there are any plants, animals or algae attached to it. Make sure your boat is decontaminated before and after you launch in Lake Clear.
Lake Clear is already infested with Zebra Mussels!

The Lake Clear Conservancy is your community land trust. Together we can preserve, maintain and improve the things we all love and enjoy - crystal clear waters, magnificent views, unspoiled islands and scenic shorelines. Clean water and unspoiled wilderness are rare; Lake Clear is a treasure. The LCC is a means for everyone who values these qualities to work together in a coordinated manner.